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Q4 Pressure



We know that matter is made with particles, and PRESSURE is a consequence of the interaction of those particles.

After analizing the concept, scientists discovered that PRESSURE is direcly porportional to the Force exerted and inversely porportional to the Area where the Force is applied.

We all have experienced the effect of high PRESSURE when we dive in a swimming pool or the increase of PRESSURE in a pot filled with water as we increase the temperature.



Let's play some games, but don't get pressured on them !!




The first person that brougth a concept related with Pressure and buoyancy was Archimedes.

The story says that while he was taking a bath he found the connection to solve a problem for the king, bringing us to the beginning of understanding why some objects float on liquids while some others just sink.

So simple but at the same time, so powerful as it is used when designing from a small boat to the biggest ship in the world.

Surf boards, Kayaks and many other types of floating devices have benefited from this knowledge making these devices more enjoyable.



Let's float and have fun !!!



BUOYANCY also known as upthrust, is a concept that has ruled the way we travel around on Earth as it is covered with water (71%). Think about the Vikings, Romans, or Phoenicians which ruled a great part of the world in different eras but all of them had a fleet of ships that helped them to mantain their ruling power and it was with the knowledge of BUOYANCY that this was possible.

Rememeber that Buoyancy is Pressure in action.



Let's apply our Buoyancy knowledge into games !!!




Getting back to the original formula of Pressure equals Force divided by Area, Bernoulli look for ways to make this principle usefull in our living world, and analizing different scenarios he developed his own principle where a fluid moving from one place to another will exhibit  a constant Pressure plus Potential Energy plus Kinetic Energy. In other words at more speed, the pressure drops down. 

In term of aviation, this was the holy commandment to build all the theory that supports airplane design and that even today, we use it for even rocket design.

Bernoulli's principle application mutliplied in the XX century and it will continue to support all new designs.



Let's fly with our imagination,and  ENJOY the next games!!!




Hydraulics is what makes possible for us to stop a car by using its brakes, to allow a big crane to bring at the top of a twenty story building a piece of metal or to lift a car in order to check his engine.

All of this is possible to Pascal's Principle which as Archimedes's and Bernoulli's is based on the basic formula of Pressure (P = F/A).

Pascal studied fluid in close containers and based his principle in the fact that when a force is applied to a fluid located in a close container, the force is transmitted to every part of the container. 



Let's play with this concept and understand it better !!!

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